What technology do I need for this online training?
You can access this course via a computer, tablet or smartphone. Headphones are recommended. A ‘reasonably good’ internet connection is required to view the video online. If you have a slower internet connection the slides and audio may be downloaded for offline viewing.
I am returning to this website after starting a course in the past. How do I re-start?
Please login and select the course that you were previously studying. If you have misplaced your login details there is an option for these to be re-sent to your registered email address.
I have completed a course, now where can I go to get accredited?
Congratulations! First ensure that you have ample practical experience and a respected official believes you are ready for assessment. Please ask your local Club, District, Area or State office for assessment opportunities with an accredited assessor.
I have a question about Technical Officials
Please review the Technical Officiating overview.
I think that I have been accredited in the past, how can I check the records?
Please check with your local State Swimming Association.
Can I use my ‘Swim Central’ login for this training site?
I am experiencing a technical issue with this site
Oh no! Please contact us.
How do I obtain my certificate?
Your ‘certificate’ is an electronic welcome letter from Swimming Australia attaching your assessment documentation. This site will display it on a webpage that can be printed. Most browsers will allow you to download to your local computer. It will remain saved on this site. To access in future log in, navigate to My Courses, and select the course.
Would you please explain the swimming jargon!
AOE = Automatic Officiating Equipment = touchpad timing system
BF / Fly = Butterfly
BK / Back = Backstroke
BS / Breast = Breaststroke
DNF = Did not finish (a race)
DNS = Did not start (a race)
DSQ = Disqualified
Form stroke = any stroke other than Freestyle
FS / Free = Freestyle
IM = Individual Medley = FLY, BK, BS, FS swum in that order
Invitational = A meet open only to those clubs invited
LC = Long Course (refers to an event swum in a 50m pool)
NT = No Time (no entry time submitted)
Open Water = a swim course in a lake, bay or the ocean
PB = Personal Best (time)
QT = Qualifying Time
SAL = Swimming Australia Ltd.
SAT = Semi-Automatic Timing = button press timing system
SC = Short Course (refers to an event swum in a 25m pool)
Sprint = usually 25 & 50m events only
WD = Withdrawn (from an event)