Technical Officials are ordinary people!
Timekeepers, Checkstarters, Marshals, etc are known as Technical Officials. These roles are filled by ordinary people just like you and me.
Accreditation gives confidence
About 50 people are required to run a major meet. Accreditation will give you the confidence of knowing that you can properly do your bit.
Some roles are easy to learn
You don’t need any amazing skills to become a Technical Official. With a little education and experience several roles are easily within the reach of a complete beginner.
Others will require considerable experience
If you aspire to become a Referee then considerable time and commitment will be required.
I just want to help out at club night
Fantastic – you’re in the right place! You may go as little or as far as you like down the Technical Official pathway which is described below.

There is no set order for learning the roles
The diagram above shows all the roles, those requiring a prior qualification are coloured brown.
Rekindle the excitement of attending a swim meet!
Many people become interested because they tire of sitting in the stands watching their children swim. It’s far more exciting being closer to the action with enhanced enjoyment from a deeper understanding of our sport.
I don’t want to disqualify anybody
We understand this feeling. However, swimmers disqualify themselves and it is up to the Technical Officials to observe rule infractions to ensure fairness for all. Only a few, senior, Officials are required to alert the Referee to a rule infraction. The Referee will make the final decision.
Your pathway to the Olympics?
Australian swimming officials regularly represent their country at the Olympics. Whilst they are the exception, officiating has created national and international travel opportunities and friendships for many.
What time commitment is expected?
There are no expectations, although Officials are encouraged to continue training in other roles.
There is some necessary administration
- Before working at a meet in you must have Working With Children clearance.
- Officials should be members of a Swimming Australia affiliated club.
Do I need a uniform?
It’s more professional if Timekeepers wear their club shirt if they have one. Many other officials do usually wear a uniform, and at higher level meets it is a requirement.